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“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit…” – John 15:5

‘The Vine, Trellis, and Crow’ is a new series exploring Jesus’ profound teaching in John 15. Together, we will unpack the foundations of spiritual growth, engage in spiritual disciplines, and create a personal rule of life that allows you to thrive in Christ and bear fruit that lasts.

Each week, we will delve into different aspects of spiritual growth and ‘abiding in Jesus’, providing practical insights and guidance to equip you in your walk with Jesus.


Download a practical guide designed to help you put into practice the Sunday teaching and develop your own rule of life.

Flourishing in Christ Podcast

Listen each week to podcast episodes engaging with leaders across the movement sharing their wisdom and experience on building a rule of life.

Subscribe on your favourite podcast app.


Download City Kids family devotions (3 per week) aimed at helping your family to build a godly culture in your home.


Read blog articles, published each week exploring the themes of the series.


By Dave Chiswell


By Harry Wilson


By Jessica Fields

Redeeming Your Commute

By Sharon Cooper


By Rosalie Marshall


By Andrew Grills

Bible Talks

For local City on a Hill church podcasts subscribe to your favourite podcast app.

Or you can watch bible talks on the vine, trellis and crow below.

Flourishing in Christ

Disciples of Jesus are called to abide in him and bear his fruit – joy, peace, patience, kindness, self-control and love. As we walk with Christ, the aim is not that we go deeper into ourselves, but deeper into Jesus who has all we need to grow in his life and his love.

Rule of Life

A trellis is crucial for supporting a vine’s growth, just as Christians need structure to remain in Christ. A “rule of life” serves as a pattern of spiritual disciplines to encourage flourishing in your walk with Jesus, and is a means of God’s grace to deepen love and joy in Christ.

Examination and Encouragement

Examination practices and rhythms such as “The Daily Examen”, prayer, fasting and journaling help us cultivate an awareness of God’s all-encompassing love. Just as we ask God to search our own hearts through examination, so we ask God to show us other people’s hearts, so we can encourage them in their journey.

Engagement and Withdrawal

Jesus lived an active and engaged ministry as he poured himself out in service to others, but he also took moments to withdraw, pray and be with the Father. Like Jesus, we want to be involved members of our church, and also make space for rest, retreat and renewal with God.

Delight and Denial

A healthy “rule of life” involves finding joy in God and his gifts, while also following Jesus’ example of self-denial. We should live Christ-centred lives of celebration, but also sacrifice, service and self-denial, not for punishment but for healthy detachment from the world for the sake of joy in Christ’s presence.

Work and Rest

Work is a meaningful part of our purpose and worship – God called Adam and Eve to work and care for his creation. Work must also be balanced with rest, acknowledging our dependence on God and recognising that our worth is not found in what we do, but in who we are as beloved children of God.

Now and Not Yet

God has promised those in Christ the fullness of his salvation and life. And yet there is a tension between the “already and “not yet” as we experience a broken world. We press on towards holiness, understanding it will take patience and work, all while trusting in God’s transformative power.