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Discover a better way to live

We are City on a Hill: Wollongong, a Christian church that exists to Know Jesus & Make Jesus Known.

Visit this Sunday (Lindsay Park Public School).
10am – Community & 10:15am – Service

Follow The Way
of Jesus

Build Deep

Find Wisdom
and Purpose

Don’t do life alone

Just because you live in a beautiful place like Wollongong doesn’t mean you have life all figured out.

Life is chaotic: full of work-pressures, family-responsibilities, relationship-dramas, and money-stresses. There are endless things to distract and entertain, but where exactly is the good life found?

Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Maybe you want to investigate Jesus or reconnect with him. Maybe you’re considering visiting church for the first time, or the first time in a long time.

Is learning about Jesus in community the missing ingredient to the life you long for?

Find what you’re searching for

Each of us is longing for something. Deep rest. Loving community. Genuine belonging. A joy-filled life. True spirituality.

At City on a Hill: Wollongong we know that with Jesus each of these things can be found.

The search is over.

We’d love for you to join us and discover the good news of how.

Jesus changed my life and he can change yours too. Each of us longs for friendship, wisdom and purpose. Jesus provides all of those things. That is why he is the foundation of our community.

Joel Deacon

Lead Pastor – Wollonging

What it’s like to be part of our community

“I’ve never been part of a community that is so real and vulnerable. If you’ve had a bad experience with church, know that this is a place that is full of community, love and the goodness of Jesus”
“We’re part of City on a Hill: Wollongong because we want to share the good news of Jesus with others. This is a safe place for people to encounter Jesus, the love of the Father and the person and power of the Holy Spirit”
Ray & Gail
“We’re stoked to be part of City on a Hill: Wollongong. We’ve found an amazing community with solid bible-based teaching from Joel and our faith has grown more in the last few months than it has in the last few years. Come and join us!”
Liam & Amy

Three ways to get involved in our community

1. Visit this Sunday

All welcome! Expect a friendly community, bible teaching, worship songs, and a children’s program.

2. Join a Gospel Community

Our small group mid-week gatherings are perfect for engaging with the teachings of Jesus and making deep friendships.

3. Let’s Do Life Together

Navigate the ups and downs in authentic, consistent community. Find meaning and purpose by knowing Jesus and making Jesus known.

Attend an event

Listen to a sermon

Listen on your favourite podcast app

Serve on the mission

Jesus invites us to be used by him in building his church. Whatever your background or skill set, there is a place for you to contribute by using your gifts to serve.

Give to the mission

God invites us to worship him in all areas of our lives, including the way we spend our money. Your generous giving fuels the health and growth of City on a Hill Wollongong.

Get to know your team

Joel Deacon

Lead Pastor

Joel Deacon

Joel Deacon is the Planting Pastor of City on a Hill Wollongong. He is firmly convinced that we are designed for community, especially in a big and sometimes lonely city like Wollongong. Before becoming a pastor, Joel worked as a Civil Engineer and is always up for a chat about roads and bridges. But his greatest passion is talking to people about Jesus. Joel is married to Emma, and they have three kids Elijah, Isaac and Lily. An ideal day off for Joel would include coffee with his wife, smelling flowers with his daughter, wrestling with his boys, reading, and staying up late to watch EPL.

Rachel Shirtliff

City Kids & Admin Coordinator

Rachel Shirtliff

Rachel is the City Kids and Administration Coordinator at City on a Hill Wollongong, where she has been attending since the church launched in 2022. Rachel is married to Cody and together they have a son. She loves Jesus and has been leading the Wollongong City Kids team since 2023. Previous to her role at City on a Hill, Rachel taught acrobatics to children and ran her own business. During the week, Rachel loves reading with her son, going to Gospel Community, and spending time with family.

We’re part of a larger movement

One Movement,
Many Churches

Currently, City on a HIll exists across 10 local churches, in 6 cities, and three states. Our Wollongong church launched in 2022.

Know Jesus and
Make Jesus known

Our churches are united around this mission. We want many to experience the life-giving and life-changing joy of knowing him.

10 Cities

City on a Hill’s vision is to reach 10 cities with the beauty, truth and relevance of Jesus, by planting 50 churches.

Visit this Sunday

We meet at 10am at Lindsay Park Public School.

All are welcome to our inclusive, casual and friendly Sunday gatherings. From 10am we have a time of community, a great chance to grab a cup of tea or coffee and get to know others.

At 10:15 we start our service, which consists of Bible teaching, worship songs, and a kids program.

Get Directions

Frequently asked questions

What should I expect on Sunday?
On Sundays we gather together to build friendships, learn about Jesus from the bible, sing together, pray together and some weeks take communion together. We have a creche and kids ministry for the little ones. Everyone is welcome no matter if you’re new to following Jesus, interested to learn more, or have been a Christian for a long time.
Is there a kids program?
Yes! We love children and want church to be the highlight of their week! Most weeks the children go through the same Bible passage as the adults.
What should I wear?
Come as you are. We dress pretty informally, kind of like we were going out for a meal with family or friends.
Can I just show up on a Sunday?
You sure can! No need to let us know you’re coming, but if you do let us know we can save you a seat, and make a plan to connect with you before or after our gathering.
What denomination are you?
City on a Hill: Wollongong is an independent church that is part of the City on a Hill movement of churches. Some City on a Hill churches are independent and some are Anglican.
What is your vision?
City on a Hill’s vision is to reach 10 cities with the beauty, truth and relevance of Jesus by planting 50 churches. Our vision at City on a Hill: Wollongong is that we will be a “city set on a hill” (Matthew 5:14) where souls are saved and a family where deep disciples are made. In time, our prayer at City on a Hill: Wollongong is to plant multiple churches in the Illawarra and beyond.
Why plant new churches?
Church planting is one of the most effective ways to build new disciples of Jesus, and grow the broader church. New churches are new communities, and therefore new opportunities for people to connect or reconnect with a church community. And new churches stretch Christians to pray more and be on mission, sharing the good news of Jesus with others.
Can I invite others?
Absolutely! The more the merrier. No need to let us know.
What is the gospel?
The gospel is the good news, or in other words good story of Jesus. The God-man who became like us – human, 2000 years ago. And then lived a perfect life, suffered a brutal death, before rising from the dead on our behalf. The gospel is bad news of our sin and rebellion, but also the good news of Jesus’ forgiveness and offer of a new life. A new way to live: one of joy, peace, and hope.
What do you believe about the Bible?
The Bible is God’s revelation to us. The words of the Bible are divinely inspired and without error. The Bible is sufficient for knowing God and equips us to live holy and meaningful Christian lives.
What do you believe about Jesus?
We believe that Jesus is the God-man. That he was a real, historic man who was also God in the flesh. We believe he lived the perfect life, suffered, died and rose again on our behalf. We believe that soon he is coming back to judge the living and dead, and that following him leads to a better life, one of quantity (eternity) and quality (joy).

This is your invitation to follow the way of Jesus in community.

Visit this Sunday, we’d love to see you.