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Discover the real Jesus in community

We are City on a Hill: Geelong, a Christian community that exists to Know Jesus & Make Jesus Known.

Visit this Sunday at 9am, 11am or 6pm
(230 McKillop Street, East Geelong).

Find Meaning
& Purpose

Build Genuine

Pursue True

We’re not meant to do life alone

Community is not what it once was. Finding a sense of belonging is no longer simply tied to the area you live in. One in four of us don’t even know our neighbours’ names!

Our lives are increasingly individualistic. And lonely. Real, authentic connections can be hard to come by. Making friends as an adult can feel like a struggle. It shouldn’t be that way.

Jesus said, “Love each other as I have loved you”.

This is your invitation to investigate Jesus or reconnect with him in a loving and welcoming community. There is a place for you at City on a Hill: Geelong.

Find true belonging in Jesus

Together we seek to encounter the real Jesus of the Bible.

Everything we do is centred on Jesus and the good news of the gospel. We want everyone to encounter the life-changing joy and hope that is only found in him.

Come along to a Sunday gathering, all are welcome. Let’s do life together.

“Jesus radically changed my life when I was 17 years old. I am convinced that true forgiveness, purpose, meaning and passion are found only in him. Jesus is still in the business of radically changing lives. He invites you personally to come to him to find real life and true rest.”

Andrew Grills

Lead Pastor – Geelong

What it’s like to be part of our community

“City on a Hill Geelong is a community that seeks to put God first, striving with his grace, to know him more and walk beside each other through life to live out what he asks of us.”
“It’s been so good to be a part of City on a Hill Geelong where you can come simply as you are. We are a bunch of imperfect people who are loved by the amazing God of the Bible and we would love for you to join our community!”

Three ways to get involved in our community

1. Visit this Sunday

All welcome! Expect a friendly community, bible teaching, worship songs, and a children’s program.

2. Grow Deep Friendships

Our small group mid-week gatherings are perfect for engaging with the teachings of Jesus and making real friendships.

3. Live a Meaningful Life

Discover the life you were always meant to live. Find purpose by knowing Jesus and making Jesus known.

Attend an event

Listen to a sermon

Listen on your favourite podcast app

Serve on the mission

Jesus invites us to be used by him in building his church. Whatever your background or skill set, there is a place for you to contribute by using your gifts to serve.

Give to the mission

God invites us to worship him in all areas of our lives, including the way we spend our money. Your generous giving fuels the health and growth of City on a Hill Geelong.

Get to know your team

Andrew Grills

Lead Pastor

Andrew Grills

Andrew is the Lead Pastor of City on a Hill Geelong. He has spent most of his life as an officer in the Australian Army. Graduating with the Sword of Honour from the Australian Defence Force Academy, he served in Infantry and Intelligence, including operations in East Timor with the commandos. He holds a postgraduate degree in International Relations from Oxford University and an MDiv from Ridley College. Andrew later became an Army Chaplain at the Australian Recruit Training Centre at Kapooka, before leaving the full time Army in 2013 to plant City on a Hill Geelong. Andrew has been married to his beautiful wife Danna for over 20 years and has five young children. He loves the ocean, traveling, camping, playing with his kids (including attending their innumerable sporting matches), and reading military history.

Matt Keller

Executive Pastor

Matt Keller

Matt is the Director of our Next Generation ministries and Executive Pastor in Geelong. As such, each week he experiences the joy of investing in the health, unity and growth of our children’s and youth ministry volunteers and staff. Matt is an ordained Anglican minister who has been involved in kids and youth work for around 25 years, and still feels he has the greatest job in the world. He also loves reading, watching movies, playing basketball and surfing with his children Anastasia, Xander and Mali and spending time with his wife Emilie.

Brendan Wright

Planting Pastor

Brendan Wright

Brendan is readying to plant a new church in the Geelong region in early 2025. He is passionate about making Jesus known to this city after making the move from Melbourne in 2013. Just before that move he got married and became the husband to Neema and the two of them are now well and truly settled in Geelong. Outside of church ministry you are likely to find Brendan running around the Barwon, sampling one of the many amazing coffee spots Geelong has to offer or hacking up one of the equally stunning golf courses.

April Chiu

MTS Apprentice – Mission

April Chiu

April Chiu is a Ministry Apprentice in the area of Local and Global Evangelism. She is convinced that Jesus is the most beautiful and important person anyone could meet and is passionate about helping all people to get to know him. When not working at church, April is also a physiotherapist in the local hospital.

Dave Chiswell

Youth Minister

Dave Chiswell

Dave serves as the Youth Minister at City on a Hill Geelong. Married to Alexi, father of Eden and Freya, and a golf tragic, Dave loves nothing more than helping people take Jesus seriously – because he’s totally convinced that Christianity makes more sense and offers more hope than any other worldview.

Don Nguyen

Community Director

Don Nguyen

Don is the Community Director at City on a Hill Geelong. He loves equipping Christians for discipleship, evangelism and caring for the broken-hearted. His interests include deep conversations (about art, science, philosophy and theology) and creating new ministries. Don has spent the last decade investing in youth/young adults, campus ministries and establishing a street outreach for Ballarat, Geelong and Melbourne.

Harry Wilson

Music Coordinator

Harry Wilson

Harry serves as the Music Coordinator at City on a Hill Geelong.

He is deeply passionate about seeing the truth and beauty of Jesus revealed through music, leading people to worship and praise our Sovereign King through song. Harry is the husband to the beautiful Jacyntha, and they love to find the best Asian restaurants anywhere they go. He enjoys playing board games and golf with friends, and love to stay up late to watch Formula 1 races.

Jed Morrison

MTS Apprentice – City Youth and Students Ministry

Jed Morrison

Jed is a Ministry Apprentice in youth and students ministry at City on a Hill Geelong. He is passionate about sharing the truth and relevance of Jesus with young people, in an age and culture where these are becoming increasingly blurred, especially for our children and youth. He is married to Alysha and God has placed a passion to pursue cross-cultural mission in their hearts. He is also an advocate for the fantastic sport of Roundnet, and will often be found travelling far and wide for tournaments of this new sport.

Josh Sgro

MTS Apprentice – Services & Events

Josh Sgro

Josh Sgro serves as a Ministry Apprentice for the City on a Hill Geelong team, specializing in Services and Events. Josh discovered the beauty and relevance of Jesus through the Geelong church, and is passionate about witnessing the same transformational love of Jesus in others. Alongside his wife Anna, Josh is enthusiastic about combining their love for cooking with a heart for sharing the Gospel through sharing meals. With a background in Project Management, Josh previously served as an Operations/Compliance Coordinator at a Major Hazard Facility in Melbourne before embarking on his MTS apprenticeship.

Megan Macaluso

City Kids Coordinator

Megan Macaluso

Megan is the City Kids Coordinator at City on a Hill Geelong, and the Next Gen Ministry Coordinator for the City on a Hill movement. Before working on staff for City on a Hill, Megan studied Child and Adolescent Development and taught for seven years as a Christian Kinder Teacher. She and her husband Dom moved from California to Melbourne in 2012. Although they had only planned to be in Melbourne for a few years, they joined the City on a Hill staff team and never wanted to leave. Dom, Megan and their son Luca enjoy time at the beach, the pool, and anywhere else they can swim and bathe in the sun. But most of all, Megan loves to teach the good news of Jesus to younger children praying that they might know Him as their Saviour, Friend and King.

Monty Winter

Administration Coordinator

Monty Winter

Monty serves as the Administration Coordinator in Geelong as well as the Living Room Coordinator for the Geelong region. She is passionate about caring for the isolated and lonely. Being Mexican, she firmly believes in community and that good connections soothe the soul. Monty enjoys having meaningful conversations about who Jesus is, and loves this part of her role. When not working at church you might find her nursing animals as a veterinary technologist.

Rachel Francis

Connections Coordinator

Rachel Francis

Rachel is the Connections Coordinator at City On a Hill Geelong. She is super passionate about helping people get connected into the life of the church family, and loves meeting new people and helping them feel at home. Rachel is married to Andy and has three sons. She has spent six years of her life serving in Northern India and is now enjoying feeling settled in beautiful Geelong.

Olivia Steven

MTS Apprentice – City Kids

Olivia Steven

Olivia is an MTS Apprentice with City Kids, driven by her passion for kids’ ministry. With a heart for the next generation, she commits herself to supporting their growth and faith. Currently studying a Bachelor of Primary Education, Olivia’s is determination to equip herself with the tools to make a lasting impact in the lives of children.

We’re part of a larger movement

One Movement,
Many Churches

Currently, City on a Hill exists across 10 local churches, in 6 cities, and three states. Our Geelong church began in 2013.

Know Jesus and
Make Jesus known

Our churches are united around this mission. We want many to experience the life-giving and life-changing joy of knowing him.

10 Cities

City on a Hill’s vision is to reach 10 cities with the beauty, truth and relevance of Jesus, by planting 50 churches.

Visit this Sunday

We meet at 9am, 11am and 6pm at 230 McKillop Street, East Geelong.

We are a vibrant community of all ages and many nationalities. The morning services have kid’s programs from creche to year 12. The 6pm evening service mostly attracts young adults and students and is followed by a weekly meal.

Whether you are not yet a Christian, exploring your faith or wanting to go deeper, you are welcome – we’d love to meet you!

Get Directions

Frequently asked questions

What should I expect on Sunday?

On Sundays we gather together to build friendships, learn about Jesus from the bible, sing together, pray together and some weeks take communion together. Everyone is welcome no matter if you’re new to Christianity, interested to learn more, looking for prayer, or have been a Christian for a long time.

What should I wear?

Come as you are. We dress pretty informally!

Can I just show up on a Sunday?

You sure can! No need to let us know you’re coming, but if you do let us know we can save you a seat, and make a plan to connect with you before or after our gathering.

What denomination of Christianity are you?

City on Hill: Geelong is an Anglican church that is part of the City on a Hill movement of churches. Some City on a Hill churches are independent and some are Anglican.

What is your vision?

City on Hill’s vision is to reach 10 cities with the beauty, truth and relevance of Jesus by planting 50 churches. Our vision at City on a Hill: Geelong is that we will be a “city set on a hill” (Matthew 5:14) where souls are saved and a family where deep disciples are made.

Why plant new churches?

Church planting is one of the most effective ways to build new disciples of Jesus, and grow the broader church. New churches are new communities, and therefore new opportunities for people to connect or reconnect with a church community. And new churches stretch Christians to pray more and be on mission, sharing the good news of Jesus with others.

Can I invite others?

Absolutely! The more the merrier. No need to let us know.

What is the gospel?

The gospel is the good news, or in other words good story of Jesus. The God-man who became like us – human, 2000 years ago. And then lived a perfect life, suffered a brutal death, before rising from the dead on our behalf. The gospel is bad news of our sin and rebellion, but also the good news of Jesus’ forgiveness and offer of a new life. A new way to live: one of joy, peace, and hope.

What do you believe about the Bible?

The Bible is God’s revelation to us. The words of the Bible are divinely inspired and without error. The Bible is sufficient for knowing God and equips us to live holy and meaningful Christian lives.

What do you believe about Jesus?

We believe that Jesus is the God-man. That he was a real, historic man who was also God in the flesh. We believe he lived the perfect life, suffered, died and rose again on our behalf. We believe that soon he is coming back to judge the living and dead, and that following him leads to a better life, one of quantity (eternity) and quality (joy).

Follow the way of Jesus in a real and authentic community

Visit this Sunday, we’d love to see you.