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A new way to experience life in Melbourne

We are City on a Hill: Melbourne, a Christian church that exists to Know Jesus & Make Jesus Known.

Visit this Sunday at 9am, 11am & 5.30pm (Hoyts Melbourne Central).

Find Genuine

Encounter the
Real Jesus


We all know Melbourne is the world’s most liveable city – but are you living your best life?

In the beautiful urban city of Melbourne the options are endless. There are so many great things to discover, see and explore.

And yet somehow even when life is full it can feel very empty.

Perhaps you are surrounded by people but still lonely. Maybe you’re stuck in a cycle of ‘doing life’ rather than living your life.

There must be a better way.

Encounter the life-changing joy of knowing Jesus.

At City on a Hill: Melbourne, everything we do is centred on Jesus.

Whether you’re just curious to know more about Jesus or have been a Christian for years, you are welcome.

We’d love for you to join us and explore authentic faith in a loving community that is making a real difference in the world.

I didn’t grow up believing in God or attending church, but everything changed when I had a profound and personal encounter with God. When I said ‘yes’ to Jesus, He became – and continues to be – the most transformative relationship in my life. I’d love to assist you in discovering the life and love that Jesus came to offer, and connect you with others on a similar journey.

Guy Mason

Senior Pastor – City on a Hill

What it’s like to be part of our community

“We have been blessed by the gospel-centred teaching and have found a lifelong community of love that continually inspires and supports our journey in following Jesus.”

Bryan & Kim

“City on a Hill Melbourne caters to everyone, regardless of where you are in your Christian walk. You are seen and loved here. Sunday worship is also relevant and uplifting!”


“I love doing life in community at City on a Hill, diving deep into the word, being able to share and be vulnerable in struggles, and growing intentionally in my faith.”


Three ways to get involved in our community

1. Visit this Sunday

All are welcome! You’ll encounter Bible teaching, engaging worship, a kids program at our morning services, and a friendly community.

2. Join a Gospel Community

Our mid-week small group gatherings are a great place to engage with the teachings of Jesus and build deeper connections with people.

3. Make Life Beautiful

Find meaning and purpose by knowing Jesus and making Jesus known alongside others. Discover the certainty, hope and peace that comes from him.

Attend an event

Listen to a sermon

Listen on your favourite podcast app

Serve on the mission

Jesus invites us to be used by him in building his church. Whatever your background or skill set, there is a place for you to contribute by using your gifts to serve.

Give to the mission

God invites us to worship him in all areas of our lives, including the way we spend our money. Your generous giving fuels the health and growth of City on a Hill Melbourne.

Get to know your team

Guy Mason

Senior Pastor

Guy Mason

Guy is the founding and Senior Pastor of City on a Hill, a church that began in 2007 with a small team and a big vision. Today City on a Hill is a movement of many churches that gathers across multiple locations, in different cities and is united around the central mission of knowing Jesus and making Jesus known. Guy is a passionate communicator of the gospel who is committed to engaging culture with the beauty, truth, and relevance of Jesus. Guy graduated with a BA in Public Relations from RMIT University, has a Masters of Divinity from Ridley College and is currently completing a Doctorate of Ministry with Wheaton College. He is the husband to Vanessa and the father to four children. He is an ordained Anglican Minister and serves as an Archdeacon in the Diocese of Melbourne.

Ian Scarborough

Executive Pastor & COO

Ian Scarborough

Ian serves as the Executive Pastor & COO at City on a Hill and oversees the shared operations and ministries across the City on a Hill Movement. Before full-time ministry Ian held senior management roles in the allied health and disability service industries, and worked as a physiologist in the rehabilitation and corporate health fields. Ian has degrees in science from Wollongong University, studied theology at Moore College, and is currently studying an MBA in Social Impact (UNSW). Ian is married to Lisa, and they have three children.

Stephanie Judd

Senior Associate Minister

Stephanie Judd

Stephanie serves as Senior Associate Minister at City on a Hill Melbourne and is committed to helping people to find life and joy in Jesus and to live courageously for him. In addition to her role at City on a Hill, Stephanie preaches and teaches regularly at various events at conferences and is a writer for The Gospel Coalition Australia. Stephanie is married to Andrew. Together they have driven and deep-thinking son named Joshua, and dramatic and colourful girl called Chloe.

Paul Connelly

Director of Ministry Operations

Paul Connelly

Paul Connelly is the Director of Ministry Operations at City on a Hill Melbourne. After working in education for nearly two decades across three schools in Melbourne and one school in Adelaide, he brings his wealth of skills and experience in teaching, learning, critical thinking, coaching and leadership to serve the church. Paul is married to Liz and together they have led gospel communities for many years. They love traveling around the world and exploring different places and cultures.

Alice Arnott

People & Prayer Minister / Executive Assistant

Alice Arnott

After completing a nursing degree in 2007, Alice joined a small team with a big vision to plant City on a Hill Melbourne. 12 years, 6 churches and many role descriptions later, Alice now serves as People & Prayer Minister, and as Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor at City on a Hill with a key role in developing, driving and delivering peak goals and strategies for the City on a Hill Movement. Alice is compelled by Paul’s vision of the church as a body in Ephesians 4, and gets excited at the thought that God uses ordinary people to reveal the beauty, truth, and relevance of Jesus. A perfect day in Alice’s life looks like: coffee and quiet time in the morning, brunch with friends, a run in the afternoon, followed by cheese, gin, and knitting in the evening!

Britt Cicognani

Discipleship Minister

Britt Cicognani

Britt is a Discipleship Minister at City on a Hill Melbourne. She grew up in Sydney and worked as an Occupational Therapist before moving to Melbourne 4 years ago to work at City on a Hill. Britt is passionate about Christmas, breakfast buffets and sunny weather. However, she is most passionate about Jesus and delights in seeing men and women come to know and love him more.

David Martel

Music Minister

David Martel

David is the Music Minister at City on a Hill Melbourne. Other than his wife and child, his two main passions in life are Jesus and music. He lead worship and performed throughout Canada and the US for 13 years, until moving to Melbourne in 2013 to join the mission at City on a Hill Melbourne. He also likes to drink soda.

Emily Lancaster

Discipleship Minister

Emily Lancaster

Emily is a Discipleship Minister at City on a Hill Melbourne. Emily grew up in Geelong, but found home in Melbourne and at City on a Hill, when she moved up to complete her Bachelor of Fine Arts at RMIT. She has completed leadership training through Arrow Leadership Australia and is currently enrolled in a Masters of Ministry at Ridley College. Emily cares deeply about people investing in their walk with Jesus and creating spaces to do so in community. When she isn’t doing that she can be found hanging out with her friends, convincing people that Christmas Carols are important all year round, and having a cheeky taco and margarita.

Graeme Chiswell

Discipleship Minister

Graeme Chiswell

Graeme is the Discipleship Minister at City on a Hill Melbourne. His passion is equipping Christians to be firmly established as disciples of Jesus—able to help others become and grow as disciples too. He and his wife Nicky have been married for nearly four decades and they are the parents of two married sons. Alongside immediate family, going to the movies and golf, the loves of his life at present are his two granddaughters.

James Kirsop

Production Coordinator

James Kirsop

James is the Production Coordinator for City on a Hill Melbourne, is married to Fiona and together they have a cheeky son named Samuel. James trained in IT at the University of Technology, Sydney, worked full time in that field for 13 years and completed a Graduate Diploma in Ministry at Christ College before moving to Melbourne and joining the team at City on a Hill. He loves both music and technology and is passionate about using the intersection of all things creative and technical to enable the building of God’s church in new and innovative ways. He also loves baking and previously loved keeping bees before he developed an allergic reaction to being stung!

Javi De La Rosa

Gospel Communities Minister

Javi De La Rosa

Javi serves as a Discipleship Minister at City on a Hill Melbourne. His passion for Jesus and desire for gospel transformation drive his commitment to teaching the Bible and cultivating discipleship relationships in our contemporary post-Christian culture. He holds a business marketing degree from RMIT and completed his postgraduate theological studies at Ridley and Reformed Theological College. Originally from Mexico, with over a decade of experience as a strategist and delivery consultant in digital businesses, Javi brings practical wisdom, cross-cultural perspectives, and theological insight to his ministry. He is married to his supportive wife, Kathy.

Jessica Bui

Services and Events Manager

Jessica Bui

Jessica is the Services and Events Manager at City on a Hill. She is passionate about people having transformative experiences of the Gospel through events, and loves serving Jesus through singing. Jess loves being near water and will find any excuse to be at the beach. She is married to Alex and loves her cat Gracie. Jess has a Bachelor of Business Admin specialising in Event Management and particularly loves using her skills for the furthering of the Kingdom.

Peter Sellars

Many Rooms Kitchen Coordinator

Peter Sellars

Peter is the Many Rooms Kitchen Coordinator. He loves cooking and a good chat. Peter loves reading a good fictional book and enjoys long drives in the country with his wife Andree. They have 3 great adult kids, Nick, Marcus and Kirsti. He is also a passionate Hawthorn supporter.

We’re part of a larger movement

One Movement,
Many Churches

Currently City on a Hill exists across 10 local churches, in 6 cities, and 3 states. Our vision is to reach 10 cities by planting 50 churches.

Know Jesus and
Make Jesus known

Our churches are united around this mission. We want many to experience the life-changing joy of knowing him.

10 Cities

City on a Hill’s vision is to reach 10 cities with the beauty, truth and relevance of Jesus, by planting 50 churches.

Watch church
services online

Sundays 9am, 11am or 6pm (AEST).

You and your family are invited to join us live this Sunday to hear God’s word, pray and discover the beauty, truth and relevance of Jesus.

Visit this Sunday

We meet at 9am, 11am and 5.30pm at Hoyts Melbourne Central.

Come along to our friendly and diverse gathering in the heart of Melbourne’s CBD. There will be a Bible-talk, prayer, singing and a welcoming community. Our 9am service have a kids program from creche to year 7.

Get Directions

Frequently asked questions

What should I expect on Sunday?
On Sundays we gather together to be built up in the good news of Jesus. We learn about him from the Bible, we sing, pray, and forge friendships with one another. We have a creche (10 months+) and City Kids program (Kinder to Year 7) at our 9am and 11am services. Everyone is welcome!
Is there a kids program?
Yes, at our 9am service. Jesus welcomed little children and, like him, we want to build them up by teaching the Bible and helping them make new friends.
Do you have a youth program?
Yes. Our youth meet every Sunday during school term from 4pm at 10 Ievers Terrance, Carlton, and then walk down to Hoyts together in time for our 5.30pm evening service. Feel free to come check us out any time and bring a friend.
What should I wear?
Whatever you like! We dress pretty informally, kind of like what you would wear to catch up with your friends.
Can I just show up on a Sunday?
You sure can! You’re free to join us any Sunday, but we’d love to know if you’re coming so we can welcome you on your visit.
What denomination of Christianity are you?
City on Hill: Melbourne is part of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne.
What is your vision?
City on Hill’s vision is to reach 10 cities with the beauty, truth and relevance of Jesus by planting 50 churches. Our vision at City on a Hill: Melbourne is that we will be a “city on a hill” (Matthew 5:14) where people encounter the real Jesus and join in the work of building our church.
Why plant new churches?
Church planting is one of the most effective ways to build new disciples of Jesus. New churches are new communities, and therefore new opportunities for people to connect or reconnect with the good news of Jesus in community. New churches also stretch Christians to depend on God and live on mission, sharing the good news of Jesus with others.
Can I invite others?
Absolutely! The more the merrier.
What is the gospel?
The gospel is the good news of Jesus’ perfect life, sacrificial death and victorious resurrection. God created us and our world and it was very good, but all of us, by nature and choice, have turned from our Maker, living life our own way. In response, God sent His Son, Jesus, to live a perfect life in our place, and die a sacrificial death, paying the penalty we deserve for our turning away. Jesus rose again, physically in history, assuring us of His grace, forgiveness and defeat of death. By trusting in Jesus, we receive his perfect life and are adopted into God’s family. Those in Jesus are heading toward an eternity with Him, as God redeems all things in a new heavens and new earth.
What do you believe about the Bible?
The Bible is God’s revelation to us. The words of the Bible are divinely inspired and without error. The Bible is sufficient for knowing God and equips us to live like we were made, reconciled to God and walking with Him.
What’s my best next step?
The best thing to do to find out more about City on a Hill: Melbourne is to come along on Sunday and get to know our community. We host regular Newcomer Nights where we can unpack with you the history, vision and mission of our church, as well as ways to get more connected. We would love to have you help us build our church and together, know Jesus and make Jesus known.

Discover the beauty, truth and relevance of Jesus.

Visit this Sunday, we’d love to see you.