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Invest in the mission

God invites you to worship him in all areas of your life, even the way you spend your money. Supporting a church financially is an excellent way of doing this.

We believe giving is an act of worship and service. It enables you to do more things that serve people, spread the gospel, and advance God’s kingdom in our cities.

Giving deepens your passion for God’s mission in Australia and throughout the world. God wants you to invest in his mission but is more interested in the shape of your heart than the size of your gift. That means you should seek to give joyfully, generously, and sacrificially.

Your Giving

Giving fuels the health and growth of City on a Hill and its operations and activities as a church. If you regularly attend a City on a Hill church we encourage you to invest in the mission of your local church. If you are in a position to give over and above your regular giving, you can contribute towards other City on a Hill funds.

Church Planting Fund

Donations to the Church Planting Fund invest in Church Planting initiatives around the world.

Direct Transfer
BSB 193 879 | 476 970 555

Credit/Debit Card

Local Church

I want to invest in

Direct Transfer
BSB 193 879 | ACC 476 970 441

Credit/Debit Card:

Direct Transfer
BSB 193 879 | ACC 485 509 867

Credit/Debit Card:

Direct Transfer
BSB 114 879 | ACC 488 657 591

Credit/Debit Card:

Direct Transfer
BSB 193 879 | ACC 410 815 536

Credit/Debit Card:

Direct Transfer
BSB 193 879 | ACC 431 944 214

Credit/Debit Card:

Direct Transfer
BSB 193 879 | ACC 412 400 596

Credit/Debit Card:

Direct Transfer
BSB 193 879 | ACC 442 111 808

Credit/Debit Card:

Direct Transfer
BSB 114 879 | ACC 453 829 794

Credit/Debit Card:

Direct Transfer
BSB 114 879 | ACC 479 853 266

Credit/Debit Card:

Direct Transfer
BSB 114 879 | ACC 498 382 105

Credit/Debit Card:

Direct Transfer
BSB 114 879 | ACC 498 446 471

Credit/Debit Card:

City on a Hill Foundation

Tax deductible gifts to the City on a Hill Foundation support the work of charities such as Many Rooms and City on a Hill Creative ministries.

Find out more about the City on a Hill Foundation
