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4-6 July 2024

400 City Road, Southbank Melbourne


Kids & Youth



Bible Talks


Kids & Youth



Bible Talks

May our hearts burn

Church pews empty and Bibles gather dust. The once fiery flame of our faith can at times feel dim. But what if our hearts were to be re-ignited for Jesus?

Revival in history has been marked by extraordinary prayer, faith-fuelled unity and great expectation. We are praying for God to move in great power and love to bring a revival of faith in our cities, in our day.

The City on a Hill Conference will be three days to worship Jesus, pray for revival, unite across our churches, and encourage one another in faith. Will you join us?


What to expect?

Extraordinary things happen when God’s people gather in faith.

The City on a Hill Conference will be three days for all our churches to unite in Christ, gathering around the theme of “revival” and together seeking a powerful move of God across our movement and nation.

Come ready for gospel teaching, prayer, worship, and community. Expect to be transformed by God’s Word and re-ignited in faith.

Our speakers for 2024 include our Senior Pastor Guy Mason, Nick Coombs (Lead Pastor of City on a Hill Melbourne East), and special guest Jon Tyson. Jon is a gifted preacher, author, and pastor of Church of the City in New York City.

The conference will include Bible talks, praise and worship, breakout sessions and more.

Secure your spot today!

Jon Tyson

Guy Mason

Nick Coombs

Kids & Youth

We can’t wait to welcome your whole family to the Conference!

City Kids
City Kids will be exploring the theme of revival, learning about God’s role and our part in revival.

On Friday we will be offering City Kids programs for crèche (1-3 years old), preschool (3-5 years old) and school-aged children (Prep/K to Year 6), followed by a family breakout session in the afternoon. On Saturday we will also be running City Kids programs before an all-age session to close the Conference.

Kids are welcome to attend the evening sessions with their parents. However, a dedicated play space will also be available for you to watch a livestream of the evening sessions while you look after your young ones.

City Youth
Youth (ages 12-17) are encouraged to attend all main sessions of the Conference. On Friday afternoon there will be two specific breakouts for youth to attend.

Our prayer is to see God’s spirit move amongst our kids and youth as they encounter the gospel in their own lives and are equipped to share Jesus with their friends.

Friday Day

  • 8.40am – Check-in Opens
  • 9am – City Kids Session
  • 12.15pm – Check-out for Lunch
  • 1.45pm – Check-in Opens
  • 2pm – City Kids Session
  • 3pm – Check-out for Breakouts/Free-Time
  • 3.30pm – Family Breakout/Free-Time

Saturday Day

  • 8.40am – Check-in Opens
  • 9am – City Kids Session
  • 12.15pm – Check-out for Lunch
  • 1.15pm – All-Age Session


• No City Kids Program

• Cry Room and Play Space available with Livestream under parental supervision.

• Livestream available for parents to watch from home.

• Children are welcome to attend main session with parents.

This is a projected schedule for City Kids and subject to change.

Get yourself prepared

1. Register Now

Standard rate now available

2. Save The Date

July 4-6
See full schedule below

3. Encounter Jesus

Ignite your faith and empower your future


  • 5.30pm – Registrations Open
  • 7pm – Session 1
  • 9pm – Day 1 Ends


  • 8am – Registration/Doors Open
  • 9am – Session 2
  • 10.30am – Morning Tea
  • 11am – Session 3
  • 12.15pm – Lunch Break
  • 2pm – Breakouts
  • 3pm – Break
  • 3.30pm – Breakouts
  • 4.30pm – Dinner Break
  • 7pm – Session 4
  • 9pm – Day 2 Ends


  • 8am – Registration/Doors Open
  • 9am – Session 5
  • 10.30am – Morning Tea
  • 11am – Session 6
  • 12.15pm – Lunch Break
  • 1.15pm – Session 7
  • 2.30pm – Day 3 Ends
  • Conference continues Sunday in your local City on a Hill church
This is a projected schedule and subject to change.

Digital and Day/Night Pricing

  • Digital tickets $50
  • Day tickets $99
  • Night tickets (Thu or Fri only) $50



  • Interstate $119
  • Tertiary Student VIC $119
  • Kids & Youth FREE


Pre-order available for delegates upon registration
In collaboration with our ministry partner

Frequently asked questions

Who is the City on a Hill Conference for?
The City on a Hill Conference is a key moment to gather people from across all City on a Hill churches and beyond. It’s a chance to have your faith ignited, gather with brothers and sisters from across the country and be empowered for what God has next for you. If you’re keen for gospel teaching and a few days of lifting the name of Jesus then the conference is for you.
What is the theme for the conference?
City on a Hill Conference in 2024 will be three days to gather around the theme of “revival” with gospel teaching, prayer and worship, and community with other followers of Jesus. Expect to be transformed by God’s word and re-ignited in faith as we unite around the hope of Jesus.
Are there discount options for tertiary students?
Yes! We recognise there are tertiary students who attend City on a Hill, so if you are an adult studying at university, TAFE, college etc… you can receive a discounted rate.
What options are there for children and youth involvement?
In 2024 the Conference will run in the Victorian and Queensland school holidays. These align with the last day of school for those in New South Wales. As such, programs for City Kids will run during the Friday and Saturday of Conference and there will be City Youth options offered at different times as well. The specifics of these programs will be communicated closer to the conference. As always, all volunteers will need to hold a current Working with Children Check.
Will any meals be provided?
There will be some light refreshments available throughout the conference, and you will be able to purchase your own coffees, lunch and dinner at one of many cafe’s, restaurants or fast food places close to the venue.
Is there a half day / day pass ticket available if I can’t make it to the whole conference?

We believe people will get the most out of the conference by being part of the whole weekend. However, we understand this isn’t possible for everyone due to different circumstances, and if this is the case for you, please reach out to as we’d love to see how we can support you. A livestream will be available for delegates who can’t make it to every session, such as parents at home with children in the evenings. In addition, recordings of the main sessions will be available for ticket holders to watch after the conference.

What is included in the ticket price?
Your ticket to the conference gives you access to 3 days of life changing bible teaching, amazing community, Jesus exalting worship and breakouts equipping you to arise and go into the world with the message of Jesus. With your ticket you get access to all main sessions of the conference plus breakout sessions.
Is billeting available for those travelling interstate?
Yes! If you are travelling interstate to attend the Conference and would like to stay with a member of City on a Hill, please fill out a form at and we will endeavour to find you a host.
Is there financial assistance for those that cannot afford to pay?

If you are unable to afford the cost of the ticket for the conference, we do not want you to miss out! Please email us at if you require this kind of assistance.

My question isn’t listed here, who can I contact?

If you haven’t found the answer you’re looking for, please contact so that someone can assist you with your enquiry.

Can I get a refund for my ticket?
Unfortunately we cannot issue refunds within 30 days of the conference. If you cannot attend the conference due to unforeseen circumstances please contact

Breakout Sessions

Compelling Missional Life

Louis Glazebrook

Praying in Colour

Sue Dean

Revival and the Poor

Matthew Han

Gospel Social Skills 101

Paul Connelly

Revival and the Skeptic

Britt Cicognani

Evangelism in the Workplace

Sharon Cooper

Spirit Lead Me

Joel Deacon

Bible For You, Bible For Others

David Lepore
Bible Society

So You Want to Go Into Ministry

Jess Fields

Intro to the Holy Spirit

Jimmy Jensen
Youth Breakout

Revival in Your School

Faith Batistella
Youth Breakout

Parenting Our Children in the Faith

Matt Keller

Expect to be transformed

  • “I look forward to reading my bible every night, I pray earnestly for people, I feel a closeness to Jesus that I’ve never felt before, I seek Jesus in so many facets of my daily life now… Conference changed me.”


  • “Healing, truthful, freeing… To see our movement come out of the pandemic with eyes up, hands raised, voices shouting. A tiny glimpse of eternity to come.”


  • “We were hugely blessed and inspired by so many gifted people. It is amazing to see how God has worked through and grown this church, we truly felt His presence and blessing on the whole weekend!”

    Lydia & Brett

    Ministry Partners