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The Holy Spirit, breath of God. One with the Father and the Son.

Given to comfort us, strengthen us, guide us to do God’s will and by His power transform us to become more like Jesus. God is inviting us to know Him deeper, rest in His presence and walk in His power through the Holy Spirit. Breathe in the presence of God, the Holy Spirit…

“When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.” – Ephesians 1:13-14

Join us for our upcoming series “Holy Spirit – Breath of God” beginning July 14.

Holy Spirit Booklet

The Holy Spirit booklet is a practical devotional guide to help you grow deeper in your relationship with the Holy Spirit. Download a digital version for free.

Bible Talks

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Or you can watch bible talks on the Holy Spirit below.

The Holy Spirit

The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is a gift received by faith, allowing us to encounter God, enabling our transformation and empowering us for life and ministry. As a living member of the Trinity who is with us today, The Holy Spirit desires ongoing fellowship with us.

The Holy Spirit and New Life

Salvation is the work of the Holy Spirit, reminding us that our redemption is not based on our own work or efforts but is a gift of God’s amazing grace. By the Holy Spirit and through faith in Jesus, we get to walk in our new and transformed lives.

The Holy Spirit and Transformation

Disciples of Jesus are not only called to follow him, but also become like him. The Holy Spirit transforms us into the likeness of Jesus – leading us to a deeper sense of dependency on God as we navigate seasons of trial and temptation, and seek His guidance and strength.

The Holy Spirit and the Word

God’s Spirit and His Word are intimately connected and mutually reinforcing in the life of a believer – both are needed to flourish in Christ. The Holy Spirit illuminates the message of the Bible, enabling us to understand its truths and apply them, and to see and know the person of Jesus.

The Holy Spirit and Gifts

God gives signs, wonders and gifts by the Holy Spirit to point us to his power, grace and love. He wants us to walk in the newness of life given to us in Jesus, seeking and using our spiritual gifts to help us to know Jesus deeper and to make Him known.

The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Warfare

Those in Christ stand secure in the kingdom of God, yet we know the prince of darkness rules the city of man. The Holy Spirit allows us to fight sin, darkness and evil, as we put on the armour of God and take out the Sword of the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit and Worship

Worshipping “in spirit” involves a heartfelt devotion, love for Jesus and full surrender to God. The Holy Spirit reveals and illuminates truths about God’s character, His will, and His redemptive plan through Jesus Christ to our heart, leading us to praise and worship him with our whole lives.

Conversations on the Spirit

Throughout the series Senior Pastor Guy Mason interviews leading voices on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. These interviews aim to deepen your understanding and spark conversation about the Holy Spirit in our lives exploring topics such as spiritual gifts, evangelism, and the supernatural.

Subscribe on your favourite podcast app.

Sam Storms

Sam Storms shares his insight on spiritual gifts and the work of the Holy Spirit in the church and followers of Jesus today. Sam Storms currently serves as pastor emeritus at Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City. Sam has studied and written extensively on the spiritual experience of followers of Jesus and is the author of many books including Understanding Spiritual Gifts and Understanding Spiritual Warfare.

Jon Thompson

Jon Thompson shares his insight and experience of spiritual warfare, deliverance from spiritual evil and the practicing of the gifts of the Spirit in the church today. Jon serves as the Senior Pastor of Sanctus Church in Toronto and is passionate about engaging seekers, skeptics, and believers about the Christian faith, and has authored two best-selling books: Convergence and Deliverance.

Nicky Gumbel

Nicky Gumbel shares how the Holy Spirit has shaped his life and ministry, in particular seeing people encounter the Holy Spirit at Alpha. Nicky Gumbel serves as Vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton, a church in the heart of London seeking to see lives changed in the name of Jesus. Nicky is widely known as the developer of Alpha, a course that has helped people across the globe explore life, faith and meaning.


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9am & 4pm


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Palace Barracks Cinemas


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