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Where do you find hope?

Jesus brings hope and light to our world, and in Him, we have an anchor for our souls.

Join us for Season 1: Find Hope as we open Matthew’s gospel and see the arrival of the long-awaited King. Before Jesus speaks or performs a miracle, Matthew makes one thing clear: we need to know who He is. He is Immanuel—God with us. The beloved Son of God. The fulfillment of generations of longing.

And with His arrival, hope is born. As Jesus proclaims, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” the waiting is over. The kingdom has come.

Come and discover the hope found in Jesus and the invitation to enter His kingdom.

Bible Reading Plan

We’ve released a 28 day Bible Plan on YouVersion to help you work through Matthew 1-4 as well as supporting Old Testament scripture throughout season 1 of our series.

These first few chapters in Matthew reveal who Jesus is: fully human, fully divine, Immanuel – God with us. We will learn together what it means to follow Jesus and step into His kingdom of light.

You can also do the Bible reading plan with friends through the YouVersion App and write reflections to share with one another each day!

Bible Talks

For local City on a Hill church podcasts subscribe to your favourite podcast app.

Or you can watch bible talks on Find Hope below.


Matthew 1:1-17
God’s promise to send a Saviour to redeem Israel is made clear in the genealogy of Jesus and the generations before His birth, from Abraham to Joseph. God is faithful to save His people by sending His Son – Immanuel, God with us.


Matthew 1:18-2:23
Jesus is born, the promise fulfilled and the Saviour is here. King Herod hears of the news and, seeking to kill Jesus, wipes out all the newborn sons in Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary flee to Egypt following an angel of the Lord’s warning, before returning to Nazareth.

The Holy Spirit and fire

Matthew 3:1-17
John the baptist prepares the way for Jesus. As Jesus is baptised in the river Jordan, the heaven’s open up and the Spirit of God descends like a dove and God declares “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

Light has dawned

Matthew 4:1-25
Jesus begins his ministry, revealing His kingdom of light to the world. Jesus endures forty days of temptation in the wilderness before He begins to preach the good news, calls His first disciples and performs healings and miracles.


Each Sunday we gather to explore the beauty, truth, and relevance of Jesus. Come along to one of our churches, we’d love to see you there!


Hoyts Melbourne Central
9am, 11am & 5:30pm

9am, 11am & 6pm

Melbourne East

Phoenix Park Community Centre
9am & 11am

Melbourne West

All Saints Church, West Footscray
9am & 11am


230 McKillop St, East Geelong
9am, 11am & 6pm



245 Wilsons Rd, Whittington

Surf Coast

4 Lower Duneed Rd, Mount Duneed


Palace Barracks Cinemas

Gold Coast

Worongary State School


Lindsay Park Public School
10am – Community
10.15am – Service


Ballarat North Community Centre