Covid FAQs
General Questions:
- What proof of vaccination passport will be required to attend a service at HOYTS Melbourne Central?
HOYTS will be checking people in via a QR code that links to the Vic Services app. For those over the age of 12*, you will also need to present your vaccination passport. One way to do this is to hold a digital copy of your vaccination on in your digital wallet, or otherwise link your My Gov app with your Medicare app. Instructions on downloading your vaccine passport or how to link your apps can be found here:*Please note that from November 19, the vaccination requirement includes those 12 years of age and up (not 16+ as previously). A printout of a vaccination certificate will suffice.
- How many people can attend services at HOYTS and do I need to register?
As of 11.59pm on Thursday November 18, there will be no restrictions on attendance, no density quotient or cap. Face masks are not required while in HOYTS. - Does the vaccine status affect who can volunteer?
Yes. A vaccination passport is required to serve at our services in HOYTS Melbourne Central.
- Can I attend a non-passport service if I have a vaccine passport?
Yes – if you would like to register to attend a non-passport service you are welcome to. We are hosting these gatherings specifically for those who don’t hold a vaccination passport, for those with family or friends who do not and would like to attend church together.
- Will people who attended the non-passport service then attend the passport service? eg. will people be moving to and from Hoyts and 262 Queen?
This is not something that the Government has mandated, but our interpretation is that this is a wisdom call. Where possible and practical, workforce bubbles will be maintained, with staff attending different service times and locations only where required.
- Is there a particular priority/area of greatest need you need volunteers for (eg. Welcome, Logistics, etc.)
We would love your help to make our services happen by serving on a Sunday. There are a number areas of particular need. They are:- Logistics
- Lighting
- Vision
- Administration
- City Kids
- How will communion work?
This is a good question! We’re not sure yet. Thanks for your patience as we work this out.
- What about masks and singing?
As of 11.59pm on Thursday November 18, masks are required indoors only in limited settings, including retail, health care, aged care, at primary schools and on public transport. Masks are therefore no longer required to be worn while you are in HOYTS. - How will Prayer ministry work (with social distancing, etc.)?
We will continue our prayer ministry encouraging good COVID-Safe practices – including social distancing and hand hygiene.
Hoyts Specific Questions:
- What cleaning and sanitisation will be happening in between services at Hoyts?
Hoyts conduct sanitisation of all general communal areas including benches, rails, and handles every 1-2 hours. They also have an air conditioning system which adjusts the airflow every hour, expelling air that’s inside the cinema and refreshing the air.
- Are the welcome team responsible for managing the vaccine passport checks?
The welcome team is not managing the process of checking in via the QR Code. Vaccination passports checks will be managed via HOYTS staff, which involves checking in to the Service Victoria app with a connected vaccination certificate.
- How will volunteers be able to get access to Hoyts early (eg. will there be someone to check vaccine passports at that time?)
Volunteers can check in by using the images of QR code at Hoyts on their arrival.
Non-Passport OPEN Service Specific Questions:
- How many people can attend the OPEN services and will I need to register?
Yes, you still need to register to attend an OPEN service at 262 Queen St (via For our services where proof of vaccination is not required, there is a cap of 50 and 4sqm rule. Those people required to run the service are excluded from the cap of 50 and from the density quotient. - Will those at the OPEN services be required to wear masks?
Yes, face masks are required to be worn for all those over 12 years of age at our Open services at 262 Queen St.
- Will there be a City Kids program for children at the non-passport service?
No, we won’t be running a City Kids program at our non-passport gatherings. We will however be providing fun activity packs for the children present at these services. - Do volunteers at the non-passport services require a passport?
No, vaccination passports won’t be a requirement of anyone who attend the services held at 262 Queen St.
- Do I need to wear a mask while serving?
As of 11.59pm on Thursday November 18, masks are required indoors only in limited settings, including retail, health care, aged care, at primary schools and on public transport. Our volunteers at services are therefore not required to wear masks while serving at City on a Hill Melbourne.
- Does a child have to be double-vaccinated?
Children under the age of 12 years and 2 months are considered fully vaccinated.
- Will there be limits for children in each space? (i.e. Lux Lounge & Lounge 9)
Yes, the same caps and 4sqm rules apply as in the cinema. But we won’t come anywhere near that limit (150 children and adults).
- What are Hoyts sanitisation policies? Do we have to help with cleaning?
Hoyts takes care of all sanitisation and cleaning. We do not need to help with this.
- What will the isolation procedure look like if one of the kids is positive we become a tier 1 exposure site?
From 11.59pm on Thursday November 18, anyone who is in contact with someone who has COVID-19 no longer needs to isolate, as long as they receive a negative PCR test.
- Are we still going to be serving snacks at City Kids?
Yes – but parents will be encouraged to pack their own water bottles & snacks.
- What happens if a child is sick/sniffling/etc?
As per our City Kids policy, we will have to politely turn them away. Sanitising of hands will be done at check-in.
- Will there be different QR codes for different rooms (e.g. Lux Lounge vs Lounge 9)
No. There will be one check-in point at the entrance to Hoyts where staff will be ensuring people check-in via the QR Code (each adult >12 years and 2 months will need a device to check-in).
- What do I do when a child wants to hug me?
We realise that safe physical touch can be really important to children and their development. That being said, we want to minimise the risk of people getting sick during this vulnerable time. Let’s create a culture of air-fives & elbow-bumps!
- Will children count against the 50 at the non-passport service?
Yes, both children and adults are included in the 50 limit cap at these gatherings.