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Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year.

Or is it? A flurry of shopping, planning Christmas lunch, the long list of people to buy gifts for… It’s easy to lose the festive spirit as you battle the crowds at the shops, or worry if your gift has hit the mark. It feels harder still this year, as reality bites with the high cost of living.

The best things about Christmas, though, are actually free. Laughter around the table, the joy of a child’s smile, reconnecting with old friends, making memories with your family.

Ultimately, these point us to the greatest gift of all; the gift of God’s grace, through Jesus. The best thing in life is the promise of eternal life – and it’s something we don’t have to pay for, or pay back, because Jesus has paid for it all.

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The Best Things In Life Are Free

Christmas: a time of family, of fun, of joy…. and spending money! Yet the best things about Christmas, though, are actually the free things: laughter around the table; the joy of a child’s smile; reconnecting with old friends; making memories with your family. Ultimately, these point us to the greatest gift of all; the gift of God’s grace, through Jesus.