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“Your hands have made and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn your commandments.”
– Psalm 119:73.

Where do we find morality in a modern age? There are so many ways to live, choices to make, rules to live by, ethics to be upheld. We all hunger for the right way to live, the best guidance to follow to lead us to the good life. So how do you find the right way to live amongst the chaos and confusion?

God, the Creator of all heaven and earth, has a vision for life and the way it should be lived and he reveals that to us in the Bible.

Join us for “10 Commandments – Controversial Ethics for a Confused Generation” where we will explore the 10 Commandments from God in Exodus and see the way these commands ultimately point to the most beautiful life in Jesus.

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The 10 commandments

Which way is the “right way” to live? Where do we find true morality in a modern age? God has a vision for life and the way it should be lived, through Jesus.

You shall have no other gods before me

There are many Gods, religions and understanding of the “divine” in our age. God wants us to know and worship him above all other Gods. Will we devote our hearts to him?

You shall not make for yourself an idol

Our hearts seek satisfaction in many idols like money, sex, power and entertainment. But we are made to be fully satisfied in Jesus. Do you desire God above all else?

You shall not misuse the name of the Lord

God reveals his character and power in the Bible. But there are many who share false gospels and misuse the name of Jesus. How should we honour Jesus’ name in truth?

Honour your father and your mother

Family is designed to be a place of love and safety, but it can also be messy and hurtful. How should we honour our parents and follow Jesus’ example, even when it’s difficult?

Remember the Sabbath day

God created the heavens and Earth in six days, and on the seventh day he rested. God also desires us to rest and practice the Sabbath, and ultimately find true rest in Jesus.

You shall not murder

Murder is wrong. Most of us would agree on this. But is it ever justified? What does God have to say about life, death, and the value he places on humanity?

You shall not commit adultery

In a confused generation, where is the line on adultery, cheating and affairs? We are all searching for the “right” way to do relationships. Will we follow God’s way?

You shall not steal

Theft hurts other people, but it also dishonours God. Jesus teaches us that all we need for life can be found in him, and that God is our ultimate provider.

You shall not bear false witness

Is it ever okay to tell a lie? Deception and mistruth is evident throughout our world, but Jesus himself claims to be the truth and the light. Will we follow him in our actions?

You shall not covet

In an age of social media, comparison and jealousy can easily creep into our hearts. God desires us to not be jealous and to be content in his gift of salvation in Jesus.