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Building Fund

Melbourne East
Church Building Fund

In 2017 City on a Hill Melbourne East launched with a vision of reaching the east with the beauty, truth and relevance of Jesus.

Since then we have seen God mature us from a budding but vulnerable church plant of 50 people, into a well established and fruitful community of over 500 people. Along with that maturity comes the responsibility to steward our community and establish our roots, ensuring we build a long-term legacy. With that hope in mind, we are now at the stage of saving for our own home.

Please give toward our Building Fund to help us take advantage of the opportunities that, we pray, will arise as we step forward in faith into the future. While we don’t know what that might look like just yet, we do know God is a generous Father who gives good things to his children. We are saving in faith that God will provide a long-term home from which we can know Jesus and make Jesus known all the more.

Support the City on a Hill Melbourne East Church Building Fund

Give to the Building Fund


Give via Credit/Debit Card above or Direct Transfer to:
Melbourne East Building Fund | BSB 703-122 | ACC 05010686

The City on a Hill Melbourne East Church Building Fund exists to raise funds to fuel the vision of establishing a long term worship and ministry centre for City on a Hill Melbourne East. Funds raised will be directed towards costs associated with operating a church venue, and may include but not be limited to: purchase of land and/or buildings, lease of land and/or buildings, venue outgoings and fees, equipment, repair & maintenance, and other costs associated with operating a church ministry venue. For more information contact

Make a Pledge or Express Your Interest

Making a pledge towards or expressing your interest in investing in the Building Fund is a way to signal your potential future contribution towards this campaign, without making your contribution just yet. Your prayerful pledge will help us step forward towards this vision with confidence in our budget capacity, and help inform our plans and next steps.

If you are uncertain about how much to pledge at this stage, but would like to be kept updated with the progress, you can leave the pledge amount field empty. Most of all, though, we’d love to hear more about you and your interest in our building fund campaign.

Frequently asked questions

Where does the money go before we start drawing on it?
Funds donated to the Melbourne East Church Building Fund will be held as cash or term deposits by City on a Hill and then expended as needed in relation to eligible building projects.
What are our plans?
As a relatively young church, we’re a little like a young married couple saving a deposit for their first home. There are lots of options we could pursue, such as purchasing an existing suitable venue, purchasing land and building, or investing in a long term lease. In the coming years we’ll be actively and prayerfully exploring and investigating all the options, as we trust the Lord in his guidance and plans for us. When we have a viable option, we’ll put together a comprehensive plan to present to the church.
What is the expected timeline?
Our prayer is that this project will enable us to secure a long-term venue that fuels gospel ministry to the east and south-east of Melbourne for decades to come. Therefore, we expect this project to take a number of years to find, secure, and develop the right venue in the right location. We trust in the Lord’s timing, but expect this to be a 3-8 year project, but a more definite timeline will depend on many factors, including the type and extent of the project, and the funding we have available.
When do you need the money?
Donating now enables us to begin planning with confidence that, with some initial investment, we can forecast potential total budget and have a realistic picture of what potential options are fiscally viable. We will also likely need to invest in planning costs as we pursue various options, such as consultancy and design fees, that will enable us to confidently put together a comprehensive plan for the right option.
I don’t have the money now, but I might in the future, what should I do?
Click to Make a Pledge and let us know your details so that we can stay in contact. If you are unsure of how much you can pledge at this stage, that’s fine – the pledge amount is optional.
I know someone who might be able to help, what should I do?
Feel free to share this link with them or get them to contact us at and we’d love to be in touch with them!
Are donations to the Building Fund tax deductible?
Donations to the Building Fund are not tax deductible.